Shane: I will stand up in court for Lou

26/06/2011 00:34

WESTLIFE star Shane Filan has vowed to stand up for Louis Walsh as a witness in court if necessary to declare: “He is innocent.”

Shane, who was in Krystle club with Louis on the night of the alleged groping incident, insisted: “I have known him 15 years.

“There’s no way he would ever act like that. It’s an awful and malicious thing to suggest that he was drunk and acting inappropriately.”

Shane, 31, added: “I know he is going to clear his name.

“All of Westlife are behind him 100 per cent and I would do anything to put the record straight.”

Shane told how Louis and the band were all having a quiet celebration that night to mark Westlife’s homecoming concert.

He added: “Out of nowhere this guy came up to us and said he was going to be in a dance TV show.

“Louis wasn’t talking to him any more than the rest of us. When I heard this I was flabbergasted.”


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